Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Larry Dailey April 2nd Lecture

1. what did you learn about games and serious games in this lecture?
2. what issues related to games was covered?
3. what did you learn about the discipline from which the class was drawn?

From professor Larry Dailey I learned that games cannot be seen as only surface deep.
Professor Larry Dailey exposed the hidden meaning behind most games.
Dailey showed how games relate information journalistically through the games intent.
One example of a journalistic games was the 'Vegas Sucks'. In this particular game the object shows how Vegas utilizes water from other places in order to stay a float.

I learned that games can connect with the outside world by showing media intrest in the object or learning outcomes of the games.
I feel Larry's lecture was well put and showed many good examples of how journalism can be implimented in the gaming world.

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